I need to share with you that Rite Aid put a new coupon policy in effect TODAY. I strongly urge you to review and/or print this if you are a Rite Aid shopper.
Notable changes :
“Buy One Get One Free coupons cannot be used in conjunction with a Buy One Get One Free promotion.”
In the past, customers were able to redeem buy one, get one free coupons on buy one, get one free promotions and get both items free. Sadly, this has come to an end.
“Rite Aid accepts Buy One, Get One Free coupons, however only one coupon can be used for each pair of items purchased. A customer can use one “cents off” coupon in conjunction with the item they are purchasing on a Buy One Get One Free promotion (or with a Buy One Get One Free coupon), although the value of the cents off coupon cannot exceed the selling price of the item.”
What this means is that you may present only ONE manufacturer’s coupon on a buy one get one free promotion. Previously, you were permitted two. Interestingly enough, Rite Aid now says you can use a buy one get one free coupon AND a cents-off coupon. I’ve maintained for some time that this is stacking manufacturer’s coupons and shouldn’t be done, but at Rite Aid apparently, this is now a go.
“Rite Aid may accept up to 4 identical coupons for the same number of qualifying items as long as there is sufficient stock to satisfy other customers within the store manager’s sole discretion.”
Now some of you will disagree with me on this one, but I actually applaud this change. Rite Aid is not a warehouse, nor is it a grocery store. Stock has notoriously been an issue and quite frankly, I don’t think drugstores are the place for crazy big stock up trips. They are great for building your stock up over time. Limiting the number of coupons and/or stock may allow more customers to take advantage of the deal.
Starting immediately, Rite Aid deals shared on this blog will adhere to this policy.
Thanks for the heads up Coupon Project

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