Last week I focused on your face and how to make it pretty with just the items in your pantry. Today I'n going to show you how to do the same for your hair and body. Not only is it fun (and such a sense of accomplishment) to make your own products, but you are saving money! And to top it off, when you are using things that are already around your house you're not running out and getting more bottles of's all about going green! Anywho...that's my here's the good stuff!
The Hair
Beer Shampoo
3/4 C beer (any will do...PBR, coors, Henrys...doesn't matter...but I personally go cheap)
1 C shampoo (and kind, so hit up the $ tree)
- In a pan, boil the beer until it reduces to 1/4 C. Cool the beer and add it to the 1 C shampoo in a clean bottle with a tight fitting lid.
- Wash your hair as usual.
Thick Hair Conditioner
1/2 ripe avocado
1/4 C coconut milk (or as needed)
- in a small bowl, mash the avocado with a spoon. Mix in the coconut to make a thick gelesque substance.
- Apply the ENTIRE concoction to clean hair and comb through. Leave the conditioner on the hair for 10ish minutes. Rinse completely.
Salad Dressing Conditioner
2 TBS olive oil
1 TBS lemon juice
1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 egg
- In a blender combine the oil, lemon juice, vinegar, and egg and blend completely. (if you don't have a blender then just wisk it a bunch)
- use the entire batch to condition your hair after a regular shampoo. Again, leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse.
Instant Dry Shampoo
1 TBS cornstarch, Baby Powder or Finely Ground Oatmeal.
- Sprinkle a small amount of either on your hair, make sure you are able to work it in so it gets down to your scalp. Rub it through so it can soak up all the excess oils.
- Brush your hair to get out all the knots, brush your hair thoroughly to make sure you get it all worked in.
The Body
Creamy Citrus Moisturizer
1 egg yolk
2 TBS lemon juice
1 C olive Oil
- Combine all ingredients until the reach a creamy consistency. Thin with more lemon juice as needed.
- Gently massage a light coating onto body. Let sit for 10-15 minutes then step into shower and rinse.
- Store any leftovers in fridge for 1-2 days
Almond Exfoliating Body Scrub
1/4 C coarse sea salt
1/4 C baby oil
1/2 tsp almond or vanilla extract
- First combine the salt and baby oil until they are well combined. Next add the extract and mix until all are combined
- Massage into the body and than rinse. This will keep so any extra will need to be kept in a water tight container.
1 C brown sugar, white sugar, or a mix of the 2
1/2 C olive, grapeseed, or other oil
2 drops vanilla or almond extract (optional)
- Mix sugar and oil. It's best to use a wooden spoon, and mix until you get a paste-like blend. Add extract if desired and then mix until all are well blended.
- Put into an airtight container.
- Once in shower use to exfoliate dry areas of the body. DO NOT use this on any open/broken, irritate parts of the skin. This is a really oily mix, thats why it is best for dry skin.
- Store mix in the fridge for 6 months to a year (it is not required to keep in the fridge but it will prevent breakdown if its cold).
4 cups Epsom salts
1 envelope unsweetened Kool-Aid any flavor
- Pour half the Epsom salts in a container, empty the contents of the kool-aid and shake (cover it first though).
- then put in the rest of the Epsom salts. It will only be slightly colored, it will be much brighter once it's in the bath.
- Use 1/2 a cup per bath. (and do remember to get the unsweetened drink mix...otherwise your just sitting in a big ole batch of kool-aid)
Warm Oil Hand Treatment
1 TBS oil or other cooking oil
1 tsp almond extract or lavender oil (optional)
2 small plastic bags that will fir over your hands
- Put oil in microwave safe dish and put in on medium-high for a few seconds until warm (NOT HOT). Add the almond or lavender and stir.
- Rub the oil on your hands (again, make sure it's not hot before doing this) and massage into your fingers and palms.
- cover your hands with plastic bags and wrap with a clean hand towel over the bags. No just chill out for about 5 minutes.
- Remove the plastic bags, rinse with warm water, massaging away the oil. Pat dry and apply a light lotion.
1/4 C cornmeal
3 TBS milk
1 drop almond oil or extract
- In a small pan, mix the cornmeal and milk. Heat the mix on low heat until it forms a paste. Remove from heat and stir in the almond. Let cool.
- Spread mix on hands and let sit for 10 minutes, then gently scrub with mix and rinse off with warm water.
2 tsp coarse salt
2 TBS olive oil
8 fresh strawberries
- Pour salt into a bowl and add the oil and combine. Remove the stems and finely slice up strawberries. Then mash it all together with a fork or potato masher, it will still be chunky, but well blended.
- Rub mix on your feet, if desired use as a body buff too (this recipe will only make 1 batch so if you want to use it as a body a body buff you'll most likely have to make more).
4 tsp witch hazel lotion
13 drop lavender oil
7 drops geranium oil
- Put all ingredients in a sterilized 1 ounce glass bottle with a tight fitting lid. Shake well to combine. Keep in a cool dark place, should keep indefinitely.
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