Wow, I'm just so excited right now I can barely contain myself!!! I LOVE to coupon, I love the deals, being able to be a good steward, and the journey couponing is taking me (yes, that's right, I said couponing is taking me on a journey, it's opened many doors!) BUT with all that said...I get so frustrated when I scored my favorite shampoo (which happens to be know you're dying to know) and got a good deal at store A...I get so bummed when the following week I could have gone to store B and gotten it FOR FREE!!!! just bugs me! Anyway, there is finally a site that will take it away...It's called Nearly Nothing. You could log on tonight and buy your inserts for the 4/10 Red Plum RIGHT NOW!!! Yep you heard me you can now buy the whole insert, and the best part (I gets better) it's $0.95 SHIPPED! So no more having to buy a whole paper just for the insert, which I love! They have a $4.95 minimum, but hey for that price you get 5 entire insert rather than buying 30 or so coupons. Nearly Nothing also lists all the coupons you can find in that insert, incase you didn't remember. So, whether you're a couponing Queen, or a couponing newbie...this is going to make it that much easier!
***UPDATE...Michelle from Nearly Nothing did confirm that she does ship all over the US, I had someone ask so just wanted to confirm!***
Thanks to Sara over at Plaid Punch for the heads up!

2 people have had something to say about this:
I know right!!! We should do an "emergency" bulletin to let everyone know. This is going to make coupon group so much more enjoyable!!!
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