Friday, January 14, 2011

my excitement!

So, I'm starting to think that a blog is a bit more work than I thought, but I'm going to keep at it until I get it right, so you might have to bear with me...for a bit anyway.

I've decided that I'm pretty much tired serving my kids crap to eat, just because I am always going here or there.  I am going to be taking off (which is funny, being that I'm a stay at home mom) the last week of this month and I'm going to try my hand at batch cooking.  I've got a few books from the library and I just got BOTH of Jessica Seinfelds Deceptively Delicious and Double Delicious Amazon: Deceptively Delicious cookbook just $6.80 shipped if you have an Amazon mom account than you can get free shipping, if not, than  Frugal Living NW  has the lowdown on how to get one! 

So, in the next few weeks I'll probably be sharing in my frustration, and joys of trying to make all this work!    

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